Monday, December 3, 2018

Deucalion and the Great Flood

Zeus is the king of the gods in Greek mythology.  He is known as Jove, and Jupiter, in Roman mythology.  He commonly appears in fictional works like comic books.  In current Wonder Woman mythology, He is the father of Wonder Woman.

A long time ago, God almighty also known as Zeus grew tired of humans’ evil ways that He decided to sink the world in flood.

Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were spared from the destruction because they built an ark stocked with essentials.

Sounds familiar?  This is essentially the story of Noah’s ark.

Noah and Deucalion are protagonists in several variants of the flood myth across cultures.  Noah’s ark is possibly the most famous flood story of our time.

The flood narrative finds its origin in ancient Mesopotamian epics including the Epic of Gilgamesh which predates both the Holy Bible and ancient hellenistic polytheism.

Reading about history and archaeology along with the Holy Bible makes one realize the good book is literary.  The Bible is allegorical at least, a work of historical fiction at best.