Friday, May 25, 2018

Tender Typhoon

I have been obsessing with the historical Hadrian and Antinous for quite some time now.  I re-viewed the 2013 film Burning Blue, and the film triggered opening the void that Antinous set in motion.  I realize I can still be vulnerable.  I expect we all are vulnerable intermittently and unpredictably throughout our lives.  The tragic ending of Antinous and Trent Ford’s heartfelt portrayal in Burning Blue gave me a sense of longing for a faceless someone I can only know by heart.

I never had to tell myself, “I do not need anyone,” because I have felt that way for a long time without having to express or repress it.

However, I do occasionally feel the need to embrace someone, like a tender typhoon mercilessly uprooting a house and mercifully slaughtering its inhabitants, sparing them prolonged agony.

I do not feel the need to be loved per se.  I get enough from people and animals around me.  But ever so occasionally, I feel the need to be in love.  In love, not to be loved, as in someone to take care of (not someone to take care of me) the way I have taken care of my pets through the decades, although I would not mind someone facing my tender typhoon head-on with his tranquil tsunami.

I feel the need to be in love.  I endure the ghost of such an emotion until it fades (and fade it will for sure)… until the next haunting.