Monday, June 19, 2017

Atheists and the Faithful

One of my brothers called a few hours ago, looking for our mother.  Mama was asleep, so they never got to talk.

I haven’t seen or heard from him in around 3 years.

My brother just asked how I was doing and asked about my “spiritual life.”

I matter-of-factly told him I don’t have a spiritual life since I’m an atheist, a gay atheist.

“Who influenced you to be an atheist?  I would like to have a word with them,” my brother coolly said.  He’s one of my two born-again brothers.

“Nobody influenced me.  I just woke up one day not believing.”

“Ah okay,” was his reply.

My brother did not broach the issue (because there is none).

We grew up in a syncretic household: Buddhist from our Chinese side, Catholic from our Filipino side.

As Christians, we were raised Catholic.  But I went to a born-again school (grade and high school), so I became a fundamentalist for a long time while carrying the Catholic label (I was never baptized in any other church or faith).  The university I attended is Catholic.  I had my medical internship in an Adventist hospital.

I read atheist stuff after the fact, i.e., I was already an atheist before I read anything about it.

Religion or faith may be an issue, but not in our household.  We live and let live.  We give and take points of views.

Syncretism is not exactly an ideal setup.  I guess we’ve just grown old enough to understand or respect our differences, our humanity.

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