Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sex Workers and Women in Antiquity

What is the difference between sex workers (prostitutes) and “non-commercial” women in Classical Athens (Greece) and Ancient China?


Women, especially those from the aristocracy, were not educated and lived only to serve their husbands.

Prostitutes could read, sing and dance.  They’re erudite.  The stigma actors face through the millennia is related to this: Singing or dancing or reading lines is the domain of the prostitute.


Huang, Ginger.  “Prostitutes and Poets: How the Prostitution of the Past Wrote Some of China’s Greatest Poetry.”  The World of Chinese,  30 Nov. 2013.  Web.  <>.

Pomeroy, Sarah B.  Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.  1975.  New York: Schocken Books, 1995.  pp. 74, 88-92.


Originally posted on my Facebook wall in a slightly different form on 27 April 2020.